Mortons Archive - Classic motorcycle and transport image gallery archive


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MORTONS ARCHIVE > Nick Nicholls collection (3 files)

The Nick Nicholls collection is recognised as one of the finest collections of motorcycle-sport images from the second half of the 20th century.
 1975 British Motocross GP - 1975 British Motocross GP - No36 Rob Hooper on a Husqvarna followed by No27 Nicolai Efimov on a CZ 
 Keywords: Motorcycle, Motorbike, bike, rider, ride, riding, race, racer, racing, machine, Mortons Archive, 1975, British, Motocross, GP, No36, Rob Hooper, Husqvarna, No27, Nicolai Efimov, CZ, .jpg
 Cadwell Park 1968, Derek Chatterton (No23) leads John Copper (No27) and Brian Ball (No8) up the iconic Mountain section. 
 Keywords: Nick Nicholls, Cadwell Park, 1968, Derek Chatterton, John Copper, Brian Ball, Mountain, race, motorcycle, motorbike, bike
 Cadwell Park 1968, John Cooper (No27) on the inside of Brian Ball (No8) dropping into the first corner of the iconic Mountain section. 
 Keywords: Nick Nicholls, Cadwell Park, 1968, John Cooper, Brian Ball, Mountain, race, motorcycle, motorbike, bike

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