Mortons Archive - Classic motorcycle and transport image gallery archive


Searching all stock for "4hp":


 1913 Ivy Precision 3 speed Motorcycle. 4 1/4hp, Model 90x96mm side by side m.o.i.v. Amac Carburettor. 
 Keywords: 1913, 3 speed, 4 1/4hp, 90x96mm, Amac Carburettor, belt drive, bike, Ivy Precision, m.o.i.v., Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Motorcycle, side by side
 BSA Motorcycles - internal detail of 4hp engine 1921 
 Keywords: Motorcycle, Motorbike, bike, rider, ride, riding, race, racer, racing, machine, Mortons Archive, internal, detail, 4hp, engine, 1921
 BSA Motorcycles 3-4hp OHV de luxe competition model R19 
 Keywords: Motorcycle, Motorbike, bike, rider, ride, riding, race, racer, racing, machine, Mortons Archive: 3-4hp, OHV, de luxe, competition, model, R19
 BSA Motorcycles 
 Keywords: Motorcycle, Motorbike, bike, rider, ride, riding, race, racer, racing, machine, Mortons Archive
 Keywords: 1932, 3.4hp, bike, model g, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, Motorbike, Motorcycle, ohv, pre-war, RE, Royal Enfield, vintage

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Collection (1 file)

A collection of images from our vast archive depicting motorcycles and motorcycling lifestyle from the early 1900's through to the present day.
Triumph bookazine030 
 The Trusty Triumph - 1919 4hp. 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, motor cycle, motorcycle, The Scrapbook Series, Triumph

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Collection > From our issues - motorcycles (4 files)

Images used in our publications, now available for commercial use.
048 bianchi 02 
 1920 season, 4hp Bianchi single 
 Keywords: 2012, August, Bianchi, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group, The Classic MotorCycle
062 WW1 08 
 First World War - French Colonial troops from the then Cochinchina, now Vietnam, with a 4hp Douglas in 1916. 
 Keywords: 2014, Military, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, October, The Classic MotorCycle, WW1
 The Classic MotorCycle 1899-1967 British Motorcycles and the Military. Often military personnel enter club events and 100 years ago the situation was so different. Here D R Snelling 23/4hp Douglas and D R Wilkinson(31/2 or 4hp Grandex Precision with NSU two-speed gear) are checked in by a Harrogate MCC official. 
 Keywords: 2014, March, Military, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, The Classic MotorCycle
 The Classic MotorCycle 1899-1967 British Motorcycles and the Military. Corporal W Carlyle-Ford of the RAMC Sanitary Section in Egypt with his Douglas 23/4hp 
 Keywords: 2014, March, Military, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, The Classic MotorCycle

MORTONS ARCHIVE > Mortons Archive Print Collection > Archive collection (3 files)

The Mortons Archive team have carefully selected a collection of classic images from our archive, which have been used in our magazine titles recently.
1912 4hp Blumfield 
 1912 4 h.p. Royal Blumfield that was ridden in the Senior TT 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd
 The Classic MotorCycle 1899-1967 British Motorcycles and the Military. Corporal W Carlyle-Ford of the RAMC Sanitary Section in Egypt with his Douglas 23/4hp 
 Keywords: 2014, March, Military, Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, The Classic MotorCycle
Triumph bookazine030 
 The Trusty Triumph - 1919 4hp. 
 Keywords: Mortons Archive, Mortons Media Group Ltd, motor cycle, motorcycle, The Scrapbook Series, Triumph

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